Which path will we take?

Which path will we, as a group of people, as a planet take?  The funny thing is we cannot divide.  We cannot split up.  We are all on this Earth together and while each person contributes to our future direction, it will only be determined by the majority of us on this planet.  This is quite an interesting blog written by Ray Jason, a sailor, An American, a thinker, a philosopher, a water lover and most importantly an Earth lover. Read it here.

However the most important and concluding point he makes is this:

“I believe that there are only two ways in which humanity can actually destroy itself. One is Nuclear Annihilation and the other is through Catastrophic Climate Change. But if governments could sincerely embrace the One Human Family concept, and eradicate all nuclear weapons from Earth, we could then dedicate the immense financial resources spent on them, to a global crusade to minimize the onrushing climate change tsunami. Such a worldwide campaign to change the human paradigm in an overwhelmingly positive manner might ripple out and create a much wider renaissance.”

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