
The Solar Biz has been around since 1969.  Tom and Barbara Duffy were originally in the battery business when two students at a local university approached Tom and Barbara about a problem they were experiencing with batteries, or so they thought.  Tom realized there was no problem with the batteries so they brought over the solar panels and it was then that Tom discovered the problem: the energy was flowing out of the solar panels when the sun went down, traveling through the path of least resistance.  Tom built his first piece of equipment, what we now call Charge Controllers. For the past 40+ years, Tom and Barbara have continued their business of  selling and installing parts and solar panels for individuals, families, and companies to utilize solar energy.  Not only does Tom understand the flow of energy and function of electricity, he is truly passionate about what he does and wants to help the rest of the world utilize solar energy.   Read more about The Solar Biz here.

Solar Biz

The Solar Biz now has offices in New Mexico, Wisconsin, and The Republic of Panama in Central America.  They have clients all over the world including South and North America, Europe, Central America, the Pacific Rim, and Africa.

To Contact The Solar Biz:

Call: 888-826-0939
Email: info@thesolar.biz

M-F 9am-5:30pm Mountain Time

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